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Demonstration model of swallowing and breathing mechanism


Product introduction:

Simulate the head and neck of an adult, with a realistic shape, and design a median sagittal section to show the internal anatomy of the head and neck, and visually demonstrate the swallowing mechanism and breathing mechanism. Suitable for teaching related to swallowing and breathing mechanism.
Function parameter:
1. Intuitive demonstration of the swallowing mechanism: when swallowing food, the tongue of the model moves up (demonstration of the bolus from the back of the tongue to the pharynx), the bolus stimulates the pharyngeal receptors, causing the uvula to lift up and close the nasopharyngeal passage; the throat Muscles move forward and close to the epiglottis cartilage to cover the trachea and close the passage between the pharynx and trachea.
2. Intuitive demonstration of the breathing mechanism: when breathing, the tongue and uvula return to the breathing position, the nasal cavity communicates with the pharyngeal cavity, the mandible closes, the laryngo-pharyngeal muscle relaxes and retracts to cover the esophagus, and the airway is unobstructed
3. Visually demonstrate the relationship between eating position and bed angle; demonstrate the insertion state of nasogastric tube at different bed angles; demonstrate the relationship between different head and neck angles and esophagus.


Service time:08:00~17:00


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